Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Learn Pole Dancing At Home

Learning pole dance at home is not a bad idea at all though it is fun. Best part of doing pole dance exercise at home is that you can enjoy it in the comfort and privacy of your home.  One of the biggest advantages of doing it at home is that now you can always try new moves and routines anytime. Undoubtedly, it will take time to become skilled and get perfection in some moves. All you need to be stable and courageous. Deal with a prominent fact that in beginning you will feel muscle pain and can get injured.
Though you are teaching yourself at home, you still need someone to take direction from. Don’t think much, you have options like videos, DVDs, online classes and even books as well.

Brass Dance Pole

You can learn using the following factors:
·        A beginner DVD 
·        YouTube of-course.
·        Use free tutorials for beginners
·        If you are advanced and learning more from home, try some advanced DVDs like Pole and Aerial
·        Take online lessons from any school/center.
·        Find a pole partner and practice together, because being alone you will feel frustrated at one point. Moreover, you need someone to help you in climbing as well.
Don’t pay that much attention to your clothing as you are doing at home. Wear as less as you can because more the body contact with pole better will be the grip.
As you are a beginner so have to pay attention to your grip otherwise bad grip could let you fell down.
·        Never moisturize yourself before starting your practice.
·        Don’t let your hands sweaty.
·        Use some Pole Grip Products; you can use any product which is easily available around you.

 After knowing the factors, start with your practice.
·        First of all purchase a pole and install it at your place where you are going to practice in future. Purchase a starter pole and a Brass Dance Pole. Right now if you can’t afford much then go for starter pole only.
·        Done with pole installation process? Now, you need to install mirrors to view yourself that either you are doing it the way it should be or not.
·        Never forget to Video record yourself; it is the best way to judge your own moves. You can also take feedbacks from your closer one or any pole dance instructor to improvise your moves.
 Now you are all ready to start with your pole practice.

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